Great American Bronze Works, Inc.

Donald Parker

Donald Parker

Donald Parker with David Spellerberg and "Thunder & Lightning"


My favorite "Injin" Chief HappyFace.
Beyond question one of the most unique people I have ever met. Grew up as a full blooded Chippewa Indian in Minnesota, served his country and was decorated with numerous medals of honor. A former black belt, came to Los Angeles with $300 in his pocket, got his master's degree in business and taught as a teacher. Started at the bottom of the insurance business and worked his way up to eventually owning several insurance companies. It was his genious that founded the whole HMO concept. By accident he branched off into the bakery business and became the largest supplier of bakery goods to California restaurants. Entered the Commercial Real Estate market purchasing a number of high rise office buildings and today is an appreciator of art who has a very unique collection. On top of all this, Don is a hell of a bowler and at one time worked at the Comedy Store as a professional comedian. When I'm with Don I feel like Wild Bill Hickok and he is starting to resemble Buffalo Bill. My friend, Chief HappyFace, Donald Parker.

With greatest respect,